📄️ Overview
Motadata CMDB (Configuration Management Database) is comprehensive repository offering a structured view of the entire IT environment, including IT assets, services, applications, and their configurations. This feature enhances visibility into asset relationships, enabling organizations to maintain accurate configuration data and improve overall IT service management efficiency. It enables seamless management of Configuration Items (CIs) and assets, with the ability to configure Sync Rules and define their behavior, ensuring consistent synchronization between assets and CIs across the IT environment.
📄️ CI Type
CI Type determines the kind of CI (Configuation Item) added to the portal. It is a predefined catalog of CI Types, which serves the purpose of giving you a generic umbrella term for every CI in the managing.
📄️ CI Status
CI Status determines the progress of the CI tickets at each stage. Using these you can know how much work is done or pending on the ticket and accordingly actions can be taken. The system provides some default status values that are ready for use.
📄️ CI Group
Motadata allows you to categorize CIs in the CMDB into groups. Groups are a convenient way to differentiate CIs based on certain similarities.
📄️ CI Custom Rules
The custom rules help you to enforce the organization’s compliance while processing a CI. Using these rules you can ensure that any change in the CI attributes is supported by proper comments or notes. For example, any Hardware or Software changes should not be applied by any user.