3.1. Introduction to Change Management

The purpose of Change Management in IT service is to be sure that standardized procedures and methods are employed for the prompt and efficient handling of changes in IT infrastructure, as a way to lessen the impact of any applicable incidents.

Changes in the IT infrastructure could appear reactive in response to issues or even imposed conditions, e.g., legislative changes, or proactive in the face of improvement in efficiency and effectiveness. Change-management ensures that standardized techniques, procedures, and processes are used for the majority of adjustments and modifications.

3.1.1. What defines as a Change?

  • An action that requires approval from management since significant cost is involved.

  • Change to IT infrastructure that possesses some risk.

  • An action that results in the addition of new CI.

  • A change that provides new capabilities.

3.1.2. Benefits of Implementing Change Management

Some of the benefits having Change Management in the organization is as follows:

  • Standardizing the handling process of emergencies and critical changes with separate workflows.

  • Breaking down the process of Change into stages with each having separate goals and statuses.

  • Allows the management to take informed decision and prevent unauthorized changes.

  • Helps to improve Problem and Request Management as they can use the valuable information.