📄️ Overview
This section describes the steps to upgrade the different components of Motadata ServiceOps. Using them you can easily install or upgrade the required services. It contains the following sections:
📄️ Agent Bulk Installation Using GPO
What is a Group Policy?
📄️ Agent Bulk Installation Using Utility
Motadata ServiceOps provides you with multiple options to install a single agent in multiple machines in one go. This helps the network administrators to install the agent in bulk without wasting time in performing the process individually. One of the methods is using Remote Agent Installer utility.
📄️ Motadata Service Desk - Server Upgrade Guide
- From v8.3 the server upgrade need not be done incrementally. For example, you can upgrade the server from v8.3 to v8.5 directly.
📄️ How to Update Product License
Server should possess the latest build installed.
📄️ Reactivate License using API
The license of Motadata ServiceOps is binded with the MAC address of the server. In an event where an admin decides to migrate the product to a different server, it will throw an error of license not being enough. This error is due to the change in MAC address.