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Version: 8.3

Create Task Schedule

The page helps you to create a task schedule using which a task will be created whenever the schedule runs.

To create a Task Schedule, click the Create Task Schedule button on the top-right corner of the page.

Create Task Schedule button

Create Task Schedule Page

Enter the below details:

Parameter             Description
Schedule NameEnter the name of the task schedule.
Schedule Type

Select the type of schedule. The options are:

- Once: If selected, the schedule will run only once as per the time set in Start At field.

- Daily: If selected, the schedule will run daily as per the selected Time.

- Weekly: If selected, the schedule will run once in a week as per the selected Day and Time.

- Monthly: If selected, the schedule will run once in a month as per the selected Date, Time, and Month.

Notify BeforeEnter the number of hours or minutes before which you want to send the notification to the technicians.
Start AtSelect the date and time when the schedule should get applied.
Task Details
SubjectEnter the subject of the task.
Assigned toSelect the technician to whom you want to assign the task.
Task TypeSelect the task type.
Technician GroupSelect the technician group for the task. You can add more options from the Admin Technician Groups page.
Start DateSelect the date when the task should start.
End DateSelect the date till which the task should end.
StatusSelect the status of the task.
PrioritySelect the priority of the task. The options are: Low, Medium, High, and Urgent. The default value is Low.
Notify BeforeSet the hours, days, or minutes before which the system should send an email reminder to the assigned technician about the task.
DescriptionEnter a short description about the task. The description should contains sufficient details about the nature of the task and what do you expect from a technician.

Once all the details are filled, click Create. The schedule gets created and a confirmation message appears. Based on this schedule, the tasks will get created automatically and appear in the Task list page.