My Approvals
The page shows all the approvals that needs your attention. Here, you can search for the approvals or see the list based on the approval status. Also, you can refresh the list to get the latest entries.
The ‘Pending’ tab displays a list of all the approvals that need some action. Here , you can take the following actions:
- View: View the ticket details by clicking on the eye icon.
- Approve: Approve the request raised.
- Reject: Reject the request if not required. When rejecting, you must provide a note for rejection.
- Refer Back: Refer back the request, if action cannot be performed on it due to some missing details or other reason. Once referred back, the request will get removed from the Pending tab.
Displays a list of approved requests.
Displays a list of rejected approvals due to some reason.
Displays a list of ignored approvals.
Referred Back
Displays a list of requests that are referred back.