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Version: 8.5.0

POST Add a Hardware Component

You can add details to the hardware tab's component.


You can perform CRUD operations for all the components of Computer Hardware and its sub- asset types.

URL: http://{{server-url}}/api/v1/asset/{asset_id}/discoveryComponent

Field Tables

Computer System Fields

Field NameDescription
type (required)Component type
domainNameName of the domain to which the asset belongs to.
manufacturerNameName of the manufacturer of the device.
modelNameModel name of the device.
systemTypeSystem architecture.
pcSystemTypeType of system
uuidA unique identifier assigned to the device.
bootUpStatusThe status of bootup process.
numberOfLogicalProcessorsThe number of logical processors.
numberOfProcessorsThe number of processors.
deviceStatusThe status of device.
partOfDomainWhether the device is part of the domain or not.
userNameThe username to whom the device is assigned.
descriptionDescription of the device.
computerSystemNameThe hostname of the computer device.

OS Fields

Field NameDescription
type (required)Component type
osNameName of the OS of the device.
osVersionVersion of the OS.
architectureSystem architecture.
manufacturerNameName of the OS manufacturer.
productKeyThe product key.
licenceKeyThe license key.
activationStatusThe activation status.
installedDateDate when the OS was installed.
displayVersionOS version.
buildNoOS build number.

BIOS Fields

Field NameDescription
type (required)Component type. Here it is "Bios".
biosNameName of the BIOS of the device.
descriptionDescription of the BIOS.
manufacturerNameName of the BIOS manufacturer.
releaseDateThe date of BIOS release.
deviceStatusThe device status.
versionThe BIOS version.
serialNumberThe serial number of the BIOS.
smbiosVersionThe system BIOS version number.

RAM Fields

Field NameDescription
type (required)Component type. Here it is "Ram".
serialNumberThe serial number of the RAM.
manufacturerNameName of the RAM manufacturer.
sizeSize of the RAM.
memoryTypeThe type of memory.
widthWidth of the RAM.
clockSpeedThe clock speed of RAM.
bankLocaterRAM location in machine.

Processor Fields

Field NameDescription
type (required)Component type. Here it is "Processor".
processorNameDisplays the name of the processor.
widthWidth of the processor.
manufacturerNameName of the processor manufacturer.
coreCountDisplays the number of core supported in the processor.
l2CacheSizeDisplays the cachesize.
l3CacheSizeDisplays the cachesize.
deviceIdDisplays the device ID.
socketDesignationDisplays the designation of the socket.

Network Adapter Fields

Field NameDescription
type (required)Component type. Here it is "Network Adapter".
manufacturerNameName of the network adapter manufacturer.
macAddressDisplays the Mac address.
descriptionDescribes the network adapter.
deviceStatusDisplays the status of the device.
ipAddressesDisplays the list of IP addresses.
dnsDomainDisplays the domain.
dnsHostNameDisplays the hostname.
dnsServerSearchOrdersDisplays the order in which the DNS servers are searched.
dhcpEnableDisplays whether DHCP is enabled or not.
dhcpLeaseObtainedDate and time when the DHCP lease was obtained.
dhcpLeaseExpiresDate and time when the DHCP lease expires.
dhcpServerIP address of the DHCP server.
defaultIPGatewayIP address of the default gateway.
ipSubnetIP address of the subnet.
connectionStatusConnection status.

Motherboard Fields

Field NameDescription
type (required)Component type. Here it is "Motherboard".
manufacturerNameName of the motherboard manufacturer.
serialNumberSerial number of the motherboard.
versionMotherboard version number.
partNumberPart number of the motherboard.
primaryBusTypePrimary bus type of the motherboard.
secondaryBusTypeSecondary bus type of the motherboard.
deviceStatusDisplays the status of the device.

Physical Disk Fields

Field NameDescription
type (required)Component type. Here it is "Physical Disk".
physicalDiskNameName of the physical disk drive.
sizeSize of the physical disk.
deviceStatusDisplays the status of the device.
manufacturerNameName of the physical disk manufacturer.
descriptionDescription of the physical disk.
partitionsNumber of partitions in the physical disk.
mediaTypeName of the media type.
pnpDeviceIdID of the plug and play disk.
interfaceTypeInterface type of the physical disk.
diskModelModel name of the physical disk.
serialNumberSerial number of the physical disk.
storageDeviceTypeType of storage device.

Logical Disk Fields

Field NameDescription
type (required)Component type. Here it is "Logical Disk".
logicalDiskNameName of the logical disk drive.
fileSystemTypeType of the system file.
driveTypeDType of the logical disk drive.
serialNumberSerial nuumber of the logical disk.
deviceStatusStatus of the device.
sizeSize of the logical disk.
freeSpaceAmount of free space.
descriptionDescription of the logical disk.

Monitor Fields

Field NameDescription
type (required)Component type. Here it is "Monitor".
manufacturerNameName of the monitor manufacturer.
monitorTypeType of monitor.
sizeSize of the monitor.
deviceStatusStatus of the device.
serialNumberSerial number of the monitor.
pnpDeviceIdID of the plug and play device.
screenHeightHeight of the monitor's screen.
screenWidthWidth of the monitor's screen.
weekOfManufactureWeek number when the monitor was manufactured.
yearOfManufactureYear of the monitor's manufacture.
descriptionDescription of the monitor.

Keyboard Fields

Field NameDescription
type (required)Component type. Here it is "Keyboard".
keyboardNameName of the keyboard.
manufacturerNameName of the device manufacturer.
pnpDeviceIdID of the plug and play device.
deviceStatusStatus of the device.
descriptionDescription of the keyboard.

Pointing Device

Field NameDescription
type (required)Component type. Here it is "Pointing Device".
manufacturerNameName of the device manufacturer.
numberOfButtonsNumber of buttons on the pointing device.
pointingTypeType of pointing.
deviceStatusStatus of the device.
pnpDeviceIdID of the plug and play device.
descriptionDescription of the device.

Shared Folder Fields

Field NameDescription
type (required)Component type. Here it is "Shared Folder".
folderNameName of the shared folder.
folderPathPath of the shared folder.
allowMaximumWhether maimum limit is to be allowed or not.
maximumAllowedNumber of maximum allowed users.
statusStatus of the shared folder.
descriptionDescription of the folder.

USB Hub Fields

Field NameDescription
type (required)Component type. Here it is "USB Hub".
usbHubNameName of the USB hub.
usbHubDeviceStatusStatus of the USB hub.
usbHubDeviceStatusInfoInformation related to the device status of the USB hub.
usbHubDeviceIdID of the USB hub device.
descriptionDescription of the USB hub device.

USB Controller Fields

Field NameDescription
type (required)Component type. Here it is "USB Controller".
usbControllerNameName of the USB controller.
usbControllerDeviceStatusStatus of the USB controller.
usbControllerDeviceStatusInfoInformation related to the device status of the USB controller.
usbControllerDeviceIdID of the USB controller device.
descriptionDescription of the USB controller device.
manufacturerNameName of the USB controller device manufacturer.


AuthorizationBearer {access token obtained after authorization}


You would be sending a JSON request that will add the details in the respective component of the Hardware tab. Some of the key-value pairs are compulsory, notice the description of each. Here, the RAM details are added.


The key-value pair will be based on the selected component.

"type": "Ram",
"componentType": "ram_component",
"serialNumber": "00000000",
"manufacturerName": "Hynix",
"size": "8192 MB",
"memoryType": "Unknown",
"width": 64,
"clockSpeed": 3.2E9,
"bankLocater": "DIMM 0"

Similarly, you can add details for the other components using the respective field tables.

Example: http://{{server-url}}/api/v1/asset/1/discoveryComponent


curl --location ''


"type": "Ram",
"id": 3,
"assetId": 1,
"componentType": "ram_component",
"serialNumber": "00000000",
"manufacturerName": "Hynix",
"size": "8192 MB",
"memoryType": "Unknown",
"width": 64,
"clockSpeed": 3.2E9,
"bankLocater": "DIMM 0"