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Version: 8.3

Software License APIs

Get All Software License

API (Post Method):

URL: BaseURL/api/v1/asset/softwarelicense?offset=0&size=25


softwareName and licenseTypeName in request payload is optional you can also pass an empty request body.

Request payload example

"softwareName" : "value",
"licenseTypeName" : "value"

Response Data

License ID, License Name, License Type, Expiry Date , Product Name, Purchase Count, Installation Count

Response Data Example

"objectList": [
"id": "value",
"softwareName": "value",
"licenseId": "value",
"licenseTypeName": "value",
"licenseName": "value",
"productName": "value",
"purchaseCount": "value"
"installationCount": "value",
"expiryDate": "value",
"id": "value",
"softwareName": "value",
"licenseId": "value",
"licenseTypeName": "value",
"licenseName": "value",
"productName": "value",
"purchaseCount": "value",
"installationCount": "value",
"expiryDate": "value",
"totalCount": value

Get Software Usage Details

API (Post Method) : BaseURL/api/v1/asset/softwareusage?offset=0&size=25


softwareName, fomDate and toDate is Mandatory in request payload.

Request payload example

"softwareName" : "value",
"fromDate" : "dd-MM-yyyy",
"toDate" : "dd-MM-yyyy",

Response Data

Asset ID, Host Name, IP Address, Usage Duration (minutes), Last Used

Response Data Example

"assetId": "AST-1",
"hostName": "value
"ipAddress": "value
"usageDuration": "2 Hours 15 Minutes",
"lastUsedTime": "16-09-2020 15:10"