14.4. Predefined Dashlets

Currently, Motadata gives 23 Predefined Dashlets out of the box. Each of them have different parameters set. These Dashlets support the following operations:

  • Predefined Dashlets are shared with all users having the Dashboard rights. They can be added to all kinds of Dashboards by their respective owners.

  • The super user is the default owner of all Predefined Dashlets.

  • Only the super user can modify (even add Dashlets) a Predefined Dashlet but cannot delete it.

  • The options to ignore time and location filters are disabled for Predefined Dashlets.

Predefined Dashlets are spread across all Dashlet types (KPI, Widget and Shortcut) they are as follows:

  1. KPIs:

    1. Total count of open Change.

    2. Total count of open Problem.

    3. Total count Request tickets due in next 5 hours.

    4. Total count of Request tickets due in next 2 hours.

    5. Total count of urgent Priority Request tickets.

    6. Total count of unassigned Request tickets.

    7. Total count of overdue Request tickets.

    8. Total count of closed Request tickets.

    9. All the Open Tickets that are not Resolved and Closed.

  2. Widgets:

    1. A column graph showing Request Count (y axis) by Urgency (x axis).

    2. A column graph showing Request Count (y axis) by Impact (x axis).

    3. A column graph showing Reopen Request Count (y axis) by Urgency (x axis).

    4. A column graph showing Count of closed Requests (y axis) by days (x axis).

    5. A column graph showing Count of new received Requests (y axis) by days (x axis).

    6. A column graph showing Request Status Count (y axis) by Technician (x axis).

    7. A column graph showing Count of Technician’s SLA violation (y axis) by days (x axis).

    8. A column graph showing Count of Technician’s Requests (y axis) by Priority (x axis).

    9. A column graph showing Request Count (y axis) by Priority (x axis).

    10. A column graph showing Request Count (y axis) by Category (x axis).

  3. Shortcuts:

    1. Recent Announcements.

    2. My Approvals.

    3. My Tasks.

    4. My Open Requests.