Cisco Firewall¶
version: 8.5
Compatibility: v 7.7.6
Requires: Host/IP/CIDR/CSV (Mandatory), Port (Mandatory), Version (Mandatory), Community, Security Level, Authentication Protocol, Privacy Protocol, Security User Name (Optional), Authentication Password, Private Password, Monitor Unused Port (Mandatory), Metric Collect Interval (Second)
Operation: Collects information from cisco firewall.
Change from Last Version: Firmware version & Interface CRC detail added

Firewall Overview¶
version: 8.4
Compatibility: v 7.7.4
Requires: Host/IP/CIDR/CSV (Mandatory), Port (Mandatory), Version (Mandatory), Community, Security Level, Authentication Protocol, Privacy Protocol, Security User Name (Optional), Authentication Password, Private Password, Monitor Unused Port (Mandatory), Metric Collect Interval (Second)
Operation: Collects information from cisco firewall.
Change from Last Version: Performance Improvement
version: 8.2
Compatibility: v 7.6.3
Requires: Host/IP/CIDR/CSV (Mandatory), Port (Mandatory), Version (Mandatory), Community, Security Level, Authentication Protocol, Privacy Protocol, Security User Name (Optional), Authentication Password, Private Password, Monitor Unused Port (Mandatory), Metric Collect Interval (Second)
Operation: Collects information from cisco firewall.
Change from Last Version: Improvement: Polling Enhancement
version: 8.1
Compatibility: v 7.6.2
Requires: Host/IP/CIDR/CSV (Mandatory), Port (Mandatory), Version (Mandatory), Community, Security Level, Authentication Protocol, Privacy Protocol, Security User Name (Optional), Authentication Password, Private Password, Monitor Unused Port (Mandatory), Metric Collect Interval (Second)
Operation: Collects information from cisco firewall.
Change from Last Version: New Feature: Improved Rate Calculation
version: 7.9
Compatibility: v 7.6.1
Requires: Host/IP/CIDR/CSV (Mandatory), Port (Mandatory), Version (Mandatory), Community, Security Level, Authentication Protocol, Privacy Protocol, Security User Name (Optional), Authentication Password, Private Password, Monitor Unused Port (Mandatory), Metric Collect Interval (Second)
Operation: Collects information from cisco firewall.
Change from Last Version: New Feature: Discovery via SNMP is added
version: 7.8
Compatibility: v 7.6.1
Requires: Host/IP/CIDR/CSV (Mandatory), Port (Mandatory), Version (Mandatory), Community, Security Level, Authentication Protocol, Privacy Protocol, Security User Name (Optional), Authentication Password, Private Password, Monitor Unused Port (Mandatory), Metric Collect Interval (Second)
Operation: Collects information from cisco firewall.
Change from Last Version: Addition of Flag for Duplication with values YES or NO. Default: NO
version: 7.7
Compatibility: v 7.6.0
Requires: Host/IP/CIDR/CSV (Mandatory), Port (Mandatory), Version (Mandatory), Community, Security Level, Authentication Protocol, Privacy Protocol, Security User Name (Optional), Authentication Password, Private Password, Monitor Unused Port (Mandatory), Metric Collect Interval (Second)
Operation: Collects information from cisco firewall.
Change from Last Version: Performance Improvement for Polling Functionality
version: 7.6
Compatibility: v 7.5.7
Requires: Host/IP/CIDR/CSV (Mandatory), Port (Mandatory), Version (Mandatory), Community, Security Level, Authentication Protocol, Privacy Protocol, Security User Name (Optional), Authentication Password, Private Password, Monitor Unused Port (Mandatory), Metric Collect Interval (Second)
Operation: Collects information from cisco firewall.
Change from Last Version: Bug fix: Validation for non-numeric values in numeric fields.

Firewall Overview¶
Metric |
Data Type |
Uptime (Seconds) |
Numeric |
Uptime |
String |
Mac Address |
String |
System Location |
String |
System Name |
String |
System OID |
String |
System Description |
String |
CPU (%) |
Numeric |
Memory (%) |
Numeric |
RTT (ms) |
Numeric |
Packet Lost (%) |
Numeric |
64 Bit Counter |
String |
Instance Metric:

Firewall Instance Metric¶
Instance Metric |
Data Type |
Interface: |
String |
Interface Index: |
String |
Interface Alias: |
String |
Interface Description: |
String |
Interface Type: |
String |
Interface Operational Status: |
String |
Interface Address: |
String |
Interface Admin Status: |
String |
Interface Speed (Mbps): |
Numeric |
Interface IN Traffic (bps): |
Numeric |
Interface OUT Traffic (bps): |
Numeric |
Interface Traffic (bps): |
Numeric |
Interface IN Traffic Volume (Bytes): |
Numeric |
Interface OUT Traffic Volume (Bytes): |
Numeric |
Interface Traffic Volume (Bytes): |
Numeric |
Interface OUT Utilization (%): |
Numeric |
Interface IN Utilization (%): |
Numeric |
Interface Utilization (%): |
Numeric |
Interface Packet Discards: |
Numeric |
Interface Packet Errors: |
Numeric |
Interface OUT Packets: |
Numeric |
Interface Packets: |
Numeric |
Interface IN Packets: |
Numeric |
Interface Packet Lost (%): |
Numeric |
Interface IP Address: |
String |
Interface Last Change: |
String |
Interface IN Traffic (Bytes): |
Numeric |
Interface OUT Traffic (Bytes): |
Numeric |
Interface Traffic (Bytes): |
Numeric |
Data Models
- data-models:
primary: “Cisco Firewall Metrics” instance:
name: “Cisco Firewall Interface Metrics” columns: “Interface, Interface Index, Interface Alias, Interface Description, Interface Type, Interface Operational Status, Interface Address, Interface Admin Status, Interface Speed (Mbps), Interface IN Traffic (bps),Interface OUT Traffic (bps), Interface Traffic (bps), Interface IN Traffic Volume (Bytes),Interface OUT Traffic Volume (Bytes), Interface Traffic Volume (Bytes), Interface OUT Utilization (%), Interface IN Utilization (%), Interface Utilization (%), Interface Packet Discards, Interface Packet Errors,Interface OUT Packets, Interface Packets, Interface IN Packets, Interface Packet Lost (%),Interface Last Change, Interface IP Address, Interface IN Traffic (Bytes), Interface OUT Traffic (Bytes), Interface Traffic (Bytes)”
version: 7.5
Compatibility: v 7.5.3
Requires: Host/IP/CIDR/CSV (Mandatory), Port (Mandatory), Version (Mandatory), Community, Security Level, Authentication Protocol, Privacy Protocol, Security User Name (Optional), Authentication Password, Private Password, Monitor Unused Port (Mandatory), Metric Collect Interval (Second)
Operation: Collects information from cisco firewall.