9.2.5. EMS Discovery

EMS discovery is the first step to monitor and manage the network. By discovering an EMS, MOM also fetches details of ONT and OLT devices connected with it. All the EMS discovery profiles are visible in Admin > EMS Discovery. You can see all the discovered devices in Inventory menu.

EMS Discovery Profiles

EMS Discovery Profiles Create New EMS Discovery Profile

EMS discovery is based on how MOM can connect with the EMS i.e. CORBA or REST API. We’ll create an individual profile for each EMS device.

  1. Click on the +New button. A popup will appear to fill the details.
Create new EMS discovery profile

Create New EMS Discovery Profile

  1. In the popup, you can choose the type of EMS you want to create. Based on the type, the fields changes in the popup.

    1. For EMS of CORBA type, select type as CORBA.
    Create EMS with CORBA Type

    EMS of CORBA Type

Field Name Description
EMS Name Name of the EMS profile.
Type Type of the EMS. It can be CORBA or Rest API
Availability Poll Time System will check for EMS availability after given interval automatically
Performance Data Poll Time System will check for performance data after given interval automatically
EMS Name of the EMS for which you are creating the profile
Vendor Name of the vendor who supplied the EMS
Version Version of the EMS system
Corba LOC The CORBA URL to access the EMS device
EMS Timeout System will be in listening mode to get data from EMS for configured time
Username Authentication username to access the system
Password Authentication password to access the EMS system
Description Field to give details about system or configuration
  1. For EMS of REST API type, select type as REST API.
Create EMS with REST API Type

Create EMS with REST API Type

Field Name Description
EMS Name Name of the EMS profile.
Type Type of the EMS. It can be CORBA or Rest API
Availability Poll Time System will check for EMS availability after given interval automatically
Performance Data Poll Time System will check for performance data after given interval automatically
IP Address IP Address of the EMS device
Port Port number to access the EMS device
EMS Timeout System will be in listening mode to get data from EMS for configured time
Username Authentication username to access the system
Password Authentication password to access the EMS system
Description Field to give details about system or configuration Discovering New Device

Click on the Sync button to sync the EMS device and update the list of OLT and ONT devices in its hierarchy.

Sync EMS Device

Sync EMS Device Sync Alarm

Click on the Sync Fault button to sync the faults associated with EMS device. The system will fetch the current faults of EMS, ONT and OLT devices.

Sync Alarm

Sync Alarm