2.1. Motadata Relay Server Installation Guide

Describes Relay Server (2.7.0) Installation Steps via build.

2.1.1. Downloading Base OS

You need ubuntu-16.04.1 desktop OS to run our product. Follow the link to download the OS:


2.1.2. Product Installer

Download product build/installer from following link :

Download Link

2.1.3. Installation Steps :

After installing the Base OS, follow the below steps to install Relay Server:

  1. Copy release build installer (relay_server_CI) to target machine.

  2. Make Sure you have execute permission to build file. If it does not have execute permission then you can change it by following command,

sudo chmod 777 relay_server_CI

  1. Run Installer by following command

sudo ./relay_server_CI

figure 1
  1. Type in your system pass and hit enter to start the installation process.

  2. Once you see below screen, that means you have successfully installed the relay server.

figure 2