12.1. Port Requirement for Motadata

Port serves as an interface between one computer and other computers. When setting up our product, opening the right ports is vital for the proper functioning of our ITSM solution. Following are ports for all the services in Motadata ITSM.

Main Server

  1. Http/Https 80/443

  2. DNS 53

  3. SSH 22

  4. SNMP 161

  5. WMI 135 & 445, 5000 - 6000 (TCP), 49152 – 65535

  6. LDAP 389

  7. Discovery 8081

  8. Main-server 8080

  9. RDP-Client 7070

  10. RDP-Server 5900

  11. SMTP 25/465/587 (could be any one)

  12. POP3 995/110 (based on default setup)

  13. IMAP 993/143 (based on default setup)

  14. ARP 219

  15. TCP Random ports once when ready for connection. These are dynamic port range.

  16. LDAPS 636

Plugin Server

  1. Plugin server 5050

  2. Http/Https 80/443

Relay/File Server

  1. File/Relay Server 6060

  2. Http/Https 80/443


  1. Http/Https 80/443