6. Asset Discovery and Patch Management has Stopped Working after Migrating to HTTPS in the Main Server.

The default port for the discovery service is http/80 which is different for the https/443. You have to redirect the service to that port (https/443).

Logging to the main server and apply the following commands to change the config file.

  1. Command to open the config directory: ** cd /opt/flotomate/discovery-service/config**
  2. Command to open the config file in the nano editor: sudo nano service-conf.yaml (You can use any other editor like Vim)

There, modify the highlighted link to https from http and port number to 443.

figure 4

Once the configuration is done, you have to restart the discovery process to put the changes in effect. Use the below command to restart the discovery:

sudo systemctl restart ft-discovery-service.service