16.1.4. Event Notifications

Event notifications are essential for day to day operations and with predefined templates, so the users can readily use them. The templates prevent a lot of time required for writing and editing the email body. Also with placeholders already placed in templates, an email always have necessary information. As an admin, you can control the template’s content and make sure proper communication takes place at important events.

Email Notifications option in settings

Event notifications option in settings

The event notifications are divided with following features for admin users:

Email Notifications

  • Manage email template content

  • Enable/Disable Email notifications

  • Insert placeholders in the subject and body to display specific text instead of generic text

email templates

Email templates for automatic response

For example, if the notifications for Release or Asset are to be Enabled or Edited, it can be done using the Toggle switch or Edit Icon

email templates

Release Module Email templates for automatic response

email templates

Asset Module Email templates for automatic response

Using Placeholders

By default, all the templates have necessary placeholders available to provide request specific information. As an admin, you can add more placeholders based on the recommendations form the technicians. To add/remove a tag, edit the desired template and use insert place holders.

Placeholders in email template

Place holders in email template

Note: You can only use the placeholders available in the list and cannot create new placeholders.

SMS Notifications

SMS notifications are only available for Request Module and below:

  • Manage SMS template content

  • Enable/Disable SMS notifications

  • Insert placeholders in the subject and body to display specific text instead of generic text

SMS templates

SMS templates for automatic response

Using Placeholders

By default, all the templates have necessary placeholders available to provide request specific information. As an admin, you can add more placeholders based on the recommendations form the technicians. Subject Line is not required for SMS templates. To add/remove a tag, edit the desired template and use insert place holders.

Placeholders in SMS template

Place holders in SMS template

Note: You can only use the placeholders available in the list and cannot create new placeholders.

SMS Gateway Configuration

For enabling and sending the SMS as notification you need to configure the SMS Gateway.

  • Go to Event Notification >> SMS Notification >> SMS Gateway Configuration


SMS Gateway Configuration

  • A window will open up for the fields to be inserted as below:


SMS Gateway Configuration

  1. Enable SMS: Enable/Disable for sending SMS

  2. API URL: Input the API URL for accessing

  3. Request Type: Select the required Request Type i.e GET or POST

  4. Secure API: Tick the checkbox if the gateway is secured URL

  5. Username and Password: Input the configured Username and Password

  6. Http Parameters: Add the key and value as the http Parameters for successful redirection. Here, you can select multiple and desired placeholders

  7. Http Headers: Add the key and value as the http Headers for successful redirection. Here, you can select multiple and desired placeholders

  8. Send message in Unicode: Tick the checkbox if you wish to send the message in Unicode message format.